Jamie - Take The Tour
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Can’t tell me this girl Jamie isn’t hot! This Net Video Girls scene is one of those rap video ones. You know where the girl thinks she is about to be a video girl and eventually ends up fucking the guy so she can get the job. I know every girl is a little skeptical at first but I would say Jamie might be a little above the rest. She sat in the doorway to the condom just in case she had to run for a bit. The guy calmed her nerves I mean he does this for a living, never cracks under pressure and just tells them what they want to hear. Once he got her against the white wall and she was answering his questions you know she was going to fuck. I don’t think I have seen this guy fail yet, I might be wrong I will go back and check. The video is really awesome because Jamie here is HOT! She has nice full natural tits and I do love me a redhead. The carpet does not match the drapes because she keeps her pussy nice and shaven likes all girls should. She is quite excited to fuck this big black dick but after it gets to pounding her little pussy she regrets that, it’s just too big for her. She almost gives herself a creampie by riding his cock, that pussy too tight or something because he almost spilled it liquid all up in that shaven pussy of hers. I hope you like this video I know I did this girl is too damn cute not to like it.